
Best wishes for 2023!




Happy New Year!

Last year was a year of major developments and a turning point for both our production environment and activities.

In 2023, we intend to continue this momentum and engage in a wider range of activities.

We look forward to working with you again this year!

投稿者:cue-works 投稿日時:

UVI PX Guitar Synのデモを制作しました

Composed a demo track for PX Guitar Syn from UVI

とにかく音が良く、実践的なソフトウェア音源や革新的なプラグインを精力的に発表しているフランスの老舗プラグインメーカー UVI の新製品、PX Guitar Synのデモトラックを制作しました!


またそれらを基にユーザー自身がエディットしてサウンドデザインも可能で、Step ModulatorやLFOで表情をつけたり、2系統あるアルペジエーターや豊富なエフェクトを駆使して複雑なテクスチャーなども作成することが可能です。

個人的に気に入っているのが S550テープエコーを用いたChorusのサウンドで、アナログの古き良き、とろけるような甘いサウンドがとても気持ちよかったのでデモトラックにもふんだんに使用してみました。


UVI PX Guitar SynはUVIストア、または国内代理店から購入できます。

UVI PX Guitar Syn

Wrote a demo song for PX Guitar Syn, a new product from UVI, a long-established French plug-in maker actively releasing great-sounding and easy-to-use software instruments and innovative plug-ins!

The new product is a synthesizer instrument inspired by the GS-500 Guitar and GR-500 Synth Engine, the world’s first true guitar synthesizer, and the GR-500 Synth Engine, and features hundreds of ready-to-use custom presets.

The user can edit and design their own sounds based on these presets, and can add expression with the Step Modulator and LFO, or create complex textures with the two arpeggiator systems and a wide variety of effects.

My personal favorite is the Chorus sound using the S550 Tape Echo, which has a very nice old analog, meltingly sweet sound that I used a lot in my demo tracks.

Of course, it also includes fuzz overdrive tones and bass sounds, so it can be used for main riffs, arpeggios, and hidden textures in a variety of situations!

UVI PX Guitanr Syn is available at the UVI Store or from your local distributors.
It is also automatically added if you subscribe to the UVI product subscription service: SonicPass.

投稿者:cue-works 投稿日時:

Jazz, Rock/Funkインストギタートリオ:SIBERIAのミニアルバムをリリースしました

Jazz, Rock/Funk instrumental guitar trio: SIBERIA’s mini-album has been released.


SIBERIA, a guitar instrumental trio that crosses over Jazz, Rock, and Funk has released its 1st mini-album “Telework”.
Mixed 4 of the 5 songs on the album, excluding “Telework”, and mastered the album.

SBMR-0001 Telework

先行してYouTubeにて公開されたミュージックビデオの楽曲を完全リマスターし、さらに2022年になって再開されたライブで好評だった新曲 “Light” を改めてレコーディングした全5曲を収録しました。


The recorded songs were produced in a telework environment under COVID-19.
The songs from the music video released earlier on YouTube have been completely remastered, and a new song, “Light,” which was well received at the resumed live performances in 2022, has been re-recorded for a total of 5 songs.

A limited number of CD-Rs and downloads from Bandcamp are now available.

数量限定 CD-R版:¥1,000


音源ダウンロード版:¥700 (Bandcampから購入)



Download version: 700 yen (Purchase from Bandcamp)

Available for purchase from Bandcamp.

Includes unlimited file streaming via the free Bandcamp app and high-quality downloads in MP3, FLAC, etc.

投稿者:cue-works 投稿日時: